15th May, we went to Waldshut to do some sightseeing and some shopping. Waldshut is a district in the south of Germany. It dates back in the beginning of the 19th century. Aargau kanton of the Schweiz borders it in the south. The main industry of Waldshut is the hydroelectrics which is one of the symbols of its coat of arms. For more info of Waldshut, click here.

Entering the German border, River Rhine below. If you click the picture, you clould clearly see the German flag and the EU flag beside it.

Kids playing in the pool. A fun thing to do during the Spring.

We ate pizza kebab at Birtat's, a Turkish restaurant at Kaiserstraße.

Faridah looking at aktionspreis (sale price) handbags.
Waiting for a train at Waldshut, the train does not go direct to Brugg, we have to change trains at Turgi. If we miss this one, we have to get the Waldshut-Koblenz-Turgi-Brugg which is a bit of a hassle as we need to change trains twice.