The short break for Faridah and her son is over. She got the flight departed at 10:25am to Singapore for a 1 hour transit before continuing her journey to Zürich flughafen. Zul, Faridah's husband must be delighted to see Faridah and especially Firdaus again as he can now walk on his own!
My dear son Firdaus.
This blog has not been properly mantain for quite sometime. As I have
another blog to mantain and time to allocate to my family and importantly
to Firdaus...
15 years ago
Thank you Zaid and Liyana for being very helpful..
Bila nak belanja bagan lalang nih?
Tunggu December ok?
Ok, We'll wait for December. Datang tau
Salam zaid...
fahimi here. aku xtau pon faridah n firdaus balik baru ni. tau2 zaki call bgtau, diorang lagi one day nak balik swiss dah.
nak blanje december tu, count me in skali! heh... take care bro.
Fahimi, nak join boleh, no problem. Make yerself available December nanti hehehe. See ya
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