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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Aqiqah at Bidor, Perak

My sister in-law held an aqiqah for her baby recently at her hometown in Bidor, Perak. The ceremony was attended by the local village people. It was a pretty hot day but it all ran fine without a hitch.

One of the family members start cooking the old-school way the night before the ceremony.


Anonymous said...

Bidor kad mana ni....

jom tengok news bidor pula di

Zaid said...

dekat Kg Petalin :)

Hamba Allah said...

Nice Blog !

Aqiqah dan qurban adalah spesialisasi kami, satenya empuk dan gule khas masakan padang. Segera hubungi kami :
Telp: (021) 9368.9647

Aqiqah said...

klo mau Aqiqah ke kami saja Aqiqah Murah, jasa Aqiqah keluarga Anda

Sari Kurma said...

nice ifno